How to jump-start your program.
Building your plan:
Make a plan- set the intent of your workout: what are your goals?
You can incorporate the principles of strength endurance and power into a 15-30 minute workout.
Warm-up and centering
Exercises that focus on motor control and coordination *possibly ones that a PT has provided and determined to be specific for you.
Setting up the core
Want to get everything “warm” / blood circulating:
5 minute warm up! 1 minute jumping jack, 1 minute running in place/ butt kicks, 1 minute mini squat jumps, 1 minute kneeling pushups, and 1 minute single straight leg bicycle crunches.
Main set-
Increase the intensity of the exercise by adding resistance, or making exercise more complex to challenge the body. This changes depending on the day (Strength workout vs. long endurance day vs. VO2 max etc).
Make sure that you are using efficient patterning! Grab a workout buddy, a PT, or a mirror to help.
Incorporate if you are ending your day or have a break before your next rehearsal, class, or training session.
The best time to stretch is at THE END of the workout when your tissues are warm and more ‘elastic.’
*Notes on program development*
Make your workouts interesting by adding variety, or setting a different intent for each one.
Be ready to modify based on your day, how you’re feeling, and your goals.
Use these ideas to build on what you have.
Example Weekly Plan:
Monday: warm up 5-10 min, strength 30 min, cool down/ stretch 10 min
Tuesday: warm up 5-10 min, your sport (ballet class, climbing session, run, bike, hike, swim etc), stretch
Wednesday: warm up 5-10 min, your sport (ballet class, climbing session, run, bike, hike, swim etc), stretch
Thursday: Rest
Friday: warm up 5-10 min, strength 30 min, cool down/ stretch 10 min
Saturday: warm up 5-10 min, your sport (ballet class, climbing session, run, bike, hike, swim etc), stretch
Sunday: Mix it up: class day, get outside, yoga, pilates or add another rest day!
*VO2 max training can be sprinkled in here and there to increase cardiovascular endurance.
* If you’re building distance with running/ biking 2 days of shorter 1 day longer is a good starting point.